Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Creepy Critter

Just a short note to say how one little creepy critter can ruin my entire day, night, and sleep. I suffer from entomophobia, which is the fear of bugs, but more specificailly- flying cockroaches (waterbugs). We have a clean house and have regular house cleanings, but we have a pool in the back yard along with water throughout the yard. These things I am so petrified of are the size of my pinky with wings. These things, cockroaches (waterbugs), make me shut all the doors in my house just so it can't go from room to room!

Well, that last sentenced proved me wrong. Late last night, I was doing some homework in the living area. I noticed something moving that shouldn't be- it was a flying cockroach. I ran out of the living area, shutting the doors behind me. I thought I was safe in my room when I hear what sounds like a ticking noise... I turn my head and BAM! The flying cockroach followed me into my room and was just about face-to-face with me on my bed!! 

A scream came out and woke my brother up who came to the rescue. Twenty minutes later...... the roach is dead. I am so scared of these tiny little creepy creatures, yet the most efficient thing would to just step on it. Needless to say, I was too scared to shut my eyes, so no sleep for me last night... and it seems no sleep for me tonight. Damn waterbug.

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